Casady Remote Learning Support Seesaw Assessment

It can be as simple as a student taking a photo of something they’ve completed, and using the recording tool to reflect and explain. Hang them up around the classroom and have students move through them at their own pace, like a Scoot activity. Last year, at a technology workshop with my friend Andrea Halverson , I had the realization that I assess students through the app too!

Is Seesaw an assessment tool

Seesaw is also a parent communication tool that seamlessly shares what’s going on in the classroom, and builds strong home-school partnerships. It provides every family with immediate, 24/7 access to their child’s learning. Seesaw provides a space that each student can call their own.

Not to mention, it’s good to have something tangible and some legit data to share with parents and while doing report cards. Student work is collected and collated over a period of time, providing visible evidence of learning. This allows teachers to compose a complete picture of student learning and growth, rather than a single snapshot at a point in time. Not only can work be collected over one school year, but for every year of a child’s schooling, creating a powerful visual journey of a child’s entire school career. It’s also incredibly convenient for marking student work and providing feedback.

Results for seesaw assessments

Seesaw, a student driven digital portfolio tool has announced Seesaw Plus, a paid version that will come with advanced assessment tools. Seesaw can also be a HUGE help during parent-teacher conferences. Instead of saying, “Yes, little Billy is doing great!” and smiling, I have EVIDENCE of little Billy’s thinking to share with parents through Seesaw. My name is Diana Delaney and I have taught over 25 years in the elementary classroom. Ed in Curriculum and Instruction and a B.A in Linguistics from the University of Arizona.

This image shows a screenshot of a student’s presentation on Seesaw. I hope to continue to use Seesaw as an educational tool in my future teaching practice. Seesaw has enabled students to share their learning progress, show/demonstrate their understanding beyond paper and pencil-based activities. It has helped teachers to capture and record learning in action . It enables parents to see how learning takes place in school .

Is Seesaw an assessment tool

The drawing feature currently has been the class’ favourite. The feature has some tools which provide students with the opportunity draw, label and explain at the same time. 95% of teachers report that Seesaw helps teach their students 21st Century skills and use technology more effectively. Seesaw saves you time on organization and parent communication, makes formative assessment easy, and provides a safe place to teach 21st Century skills. Make the app part of a daily or weekly routine to get students to use it in the most effective way. They can create a class blog, make a student journal, or report back on their weekend by using the multimedia functions.


I watched them how they encourage each other to use the class display to find out how to make shapes . Seesaw integrates with popular LMS and SIS platforms to build upon what you’re already doing. Today we worked on our Mother’s Day gifts and I’m SO excited with how they turned out!!! Have students work on them with a partner or in a collaborative group.

Is Seesaw an assessment tool

The Seesaw app lets students show the way they understand the world by using videos, images, PDFs, drawings, and links to connect ideas. The platform creates a unique portfolio for each student where parents and teachers can see progress over time and growth throughout the year. With the app’s new premium version, teachers also have access to assessment tools to best analyze students’ portfolios. I can assign students the same task in Seesaw, but I can differentiate the problems and content depending on my students and their needs.

Teachers, save “How to use Seesaw (Text Tool and Microph…” to assign it to your class.

Well, Seesaw is your answer to sharing your student’s work. These videos showed how they actually found out how they can share what they know about the characteristics of 2D shapes. If I refer to the ‘square explanation’, I can see if the students understand what corner and side are.

Karen Caswell provides a description of how Seesaw can be used to transform teaching and learning and build better home-school links. I asked that they had variety in their composition…so not all rests! Once they are satisfied with their composition, they then clicked “record,” and read their composition. You could also have them play on a non-pitched percussion instrument! After you do this, each class will have their own unique QR code. Seesaw allows the use of emojis which can be a big help when giving instructions to students.

What are the benefits of Seesaw?

This shows that the quality of the content of the understanding will be visible. It depends on what we expect the students to be able to do/produce. This app has helped me engage my class in their own learning process but using a tool such as technology that is far more interesting for them than just showing what they know in a piece of paper.

This way, you can create something more personal and give students another way to follow instructions clearly. Here is everything you need to know about this innovative app that can help you bring your classroom into a new era. As they were working, I observed and listened to their ‘talks’.

What Makes Seesaw Special

If you have access to a parent volunteer, this might be another option! Have the parent volunteer call students over one at a time to complete the assessment challenge. Having the parent there can be helpful because the volunteer can keep students on task, read directions, and help students troubleshoot and answer questions. But it’s something we have to do, and many districts mandate specific assessments at certain times of the year.

  • You can find out so much more by visiting their website or following @Seesaw on Twitter.
  • The program is very user-friendly and is continuously changing based on feedback from teachers and students.
  • It gives parents the opportunity to watch, see and comment on their child’s learning.
  • It is a place where teachers can share activities, collect assignment submissions, give feedback on assignments, and keep track of student progress.
  • Seesaw is a helpful tool that can be used to show what a student can do, even though they might not have the language to express themselves.

It also offers more meaningful student engagement opportunities through student feedback, drafts, and journals. Try to organize all activities into easy-to-understand folders from the start. Also try to use uniform thumbnails for the assignments with similar fonts, colors, or names to create a streamlined look. It is a place where teachers can share activities, collect assignment submissions, give feedback on assignments, and keep track of student progress. This has motivated my students to research for information and revise their writing before presenting on the screen. As they practice presenting, they become more comfortable with the camera and speaking skills.

I have been lucky to have a little room that we call the recording studio where students know that they can go and record in private. I have seen students that are usually very shy in the classroom, shine when they use Seesaw. The engaging factor does make a difference when using technology. However, students should also understand that technology is a tool to help them be better learners. As I mentioned, I have seen that Seesaw has been a good differentiation product. Kids, who are struggling with writing, may choose to record their voice or using visual/drawing and still be able to explain fluently.

What is Seesaw for Schools and How Does It Work for Teachers and Students?

Seesaw can also be a tool which helps teachers differentiatethe process and products of learning. It allows for teachers, students, and parents to share and respond to feedback. It is a part of assessment tools which certik seesaw teachers can go back and take a look what they’ve done and are able to explain/demonstrate/identify/etc. Both students and teachers can use Seesaw as a formative assessment tool or to reflect on their own work.

Is Seesaw an assessment tool

The fun part about using Seesaw is that students are able to share their work with their parents. Many times, they have posted a recording or picture during the day and a few minutes later the parent posts a comment. Students begin to smile and are motivated to post quality work to share with parents.

Creating an account is simple and the teacher can create a whole new student roster or integrate the Seesaw platform with Google Classroom to sync student lists. By using the “+ Student” button, you can easily add students to the program and indicate if they will use an email to sign in or share devices. Students use a smart device to make videos or take photos of their work. Teachers can also assign work to students via the app and send along tailor-made instructions for each student. Seesaw for schools is an app used on smartphones or tablets that allows students to capture images, videos, and more and save them on an online portfolio. Interactive resources you can assign in your digital classroom from TPT.

With everything that is expected of teachers- PD, meetings, setting up a classroom… One of the biggest benefits of Seesaw is facilitating stronger connections between teachers and the parent community. The data tracks parent engagement and promotes their involvement.

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